When you have a loved one who has recently recovered from an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or prescribed medication, we understand it’s worrying and nerve-wracking to think about them having a relapse. If you notice that they’re beginning to slip back into their drug abuse, you will want to get them help. However, doing this alone can be very challenging. Denials of renewed drug use and promises continually broken; it’s emotionally difficult to handle. You want what’s best for your loved one, to fight together against the addiction – but how can you help them?
Asking someone to return to a rehabilitation facility can often result in heated discussions, with the recovering addict not willing to go back. The thought of relapse becomes part of a cycle that you feel may be impossible to escape. There is an alternative: patients are often far more responsive, and comfortable meeting with a recovery life coach as part of their recovery, and a coach can be helpful at any stage of the addiction treatment process.
What Is an Addiction Recovery Coach?
Here at the Master Center for Addiction Medicine, we specialize in outpatient treatments. One of the treatments that we provide is recovery coaching for addiction. Our recovery support services are coaches and people with lived experience recovering from addiction. A recovery support specialist discusses the present with our patients and helps plan a better future. All of our coaches are professionally and specially trained to guide our patients. They work with the people recovering from addiction and help them regain the life they want to have. By helping our patients to see the positives in life, we can prevent them from relapsing.
How Our Recovery Coaching Can Help
If you or a loved one is recovering from an addiction to an illegal drug, medication, or alcohol, our program can assist in the following ways:
The chances of relapse get reduced
Our recovery coaching tools help our patients to stay in recovery. They’re less likely to regain their need for the drug they were abusing. A small study has proven that when patients receive recovery coaching during substance abuse treatment, only a small percentage relapse.
We show people how to enjoy life
Life coaching and addiction recovery at the Master Center are all about enjoying life. In many cases, people become addicted to alcohol and drugs due to issues in life that have harmed them. Our recovery coaches help the patient see the best in life; they allow them to see what’s worth living for. We often get recovery patients who tell us they feel vulnerable and weak. When our expert coaches deal with patients, they never think low of them; they’ve been in the same position. They understand how hard it is to have an addiction and the unpleasant effect that it can have on themselves and their family. We help our patients to feel empowered, resourceful, and reliable, as we know that that’s who they truly are inside. We show recovering addicts that their addiction doesn’t define them and a real way forward.
Help at every step of the way
At the Master Center, we provide highly trained and professional coaches that can meet all of your needs. Our staff members combine experience, professional training, and a true desire to help recovering addicts from all walks of life. When yourself or a loved one needs professional support to fulfill their recovery goal setting, it’s worth having an expert in recovery coaching services. Our coaches will provide support and hope to our patients to recover from their addiction. Without professional service, those in need risk relapsing by not having a recovery coach. Our patients can still live a normal life, including going to work knowing that if they need to contact their coach, they can do so at any time.
What Happens When Relapse Occurs?
Many of our patients may worry about judgment and experience shame if they relapse. When a patient receives a coach, they’ll instantly make a bond. The recovery coaches encourage a better life; they believe in their partner and show significant amounts of support.
We spare no effort to avoid a relapse, and our coaches also understand that sometimes slips do occur. If a patient were to relapse while receiving coaching, we help them get back on track. Our experienced coaches work closely with the patient, without judgment or scorn, and discuss what made them slip; they’ll ask about their experience and whether they learned any lessons from it to help prevent any future relapses from happening. However, our coaches need our patients’ respect just as much as they do ours. If a patient misses sessions, we do our best to reach out and offer guidance and help, but if a patient refuses to speak to us initially, we will be there when they’re ready to get help.